This wonderful little cradle was painted by my mom. It was the cradle that both my brother and I slept in when we were babys. This will fit perfectly in our bedroom while she is sleeping in there.
Like I said Lucy got A TON of clothes!!! Had to show people how blessed we came from the baby shower. Don't worry. Clothes aren't the only things that Lucy got. She got some big things too!! People were so nice and I really can NOT wait to post pics on here of all the outfits she will be wearing. I mean if we have a place to go or not I might have to make another blog called "Lucy's outfit of the day". That probably just what I will do on here. Make a fashion show of it. You know who its by, who bought it, and what size it is. lol.
Like I said Lucy got A TON of clothes!!! Had to show people how blessed we came from the baby shower. Don't worry. Clothes aren't the only things that Lucy got. She got some big things too!! People were so nice and I really can NOT wait to post pics on here of all the outfits she will be wearing. I mean if we have a place to go or not I might have to make another blog called "Lucy's outfit of the day". That probably just what I will do on here. Make a fashion show of it. You know who its by, who bought it, and what size it is. lol.
This is me 33 weeks pregnant. I am now almost 35 weeks. I have my last ultrasound September 9th! Things are getting a little nerve racking, but everytime I get nervous and I just try to pray through it! I am really excited about having a Halloween baby or October baby. It is my FAVORITE month and Fall is my FAVORITE season!!! We actually have 21 days until the first day of Fall. Anyways I do want to thank everyone for coming out to the shower and supporting my family and me! Please keep checking after she is born to see what her first outfit will be!!