Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mean Girls? And maybe a few tips.

Bullying seems to have started becoming popular. When I was younger, I believe I was the bully, not the one being bullied.  I might have had a few instances where someone was mean to me. That lead to me just being mean back. I once got sent to the principal's office. A girl had been making fun of my acne and that lead to me saying, "I rather have acne than butt breathe like you." Hahahaha. I still find it funny, even though I probably shouldn't. I don't think that is bullying though. I think bullying is when you get your class to surround someone who used to be your friend, heckle her, and kick her shoes. The image of that girl is still stuck in my and I hope it stays there. I do not want my girls to grow up as mean girls.

Recently, I was talking to my mom and I was going through some of the mean things (that could be considered bullying) and I had a realization. I realized that most of the time when I was acting that way, it wasn't my IDEA to treat people that way. It seemed that it was always someone else's idea and I wanted to look cool. So, I succumbed to peer pressure. I am by no means blaming these people. It was my decision to do it and then continue with my actions.  I know my kids aren't perfect, even though I think that the sun shines out of their butts, but I just don't want to be one of those moms where they think their kid could do no wrong. Anyways, I hope I can teach them the things they need to be sweet girls, but to know how and when to stand up for themselves. I don't want them to be suckers either...

Anyways, some people might think I am still a mean girl. I consider myself a very blunt person and I know that some might consider that "bitchy".  I am just not the kind of person that is going to tell you if something looks good if it doesn't! If you ask my opinion, you better REALLY want it because I am going to give it to you! :) Has anyone else noticed that when someone asks for an opinion or advice, they don't really want it anyways? People are still going to do things the way they want to anyways.

Alright, on to bigger and better things...

So, I was looking for a mattress pad for Lucy. Potty training will be soon approaching us and we will deifnitely need one.  Right now, I just couldn't stand that you could see the mattress through her pink sheets! I don't know why. It just seemed ghetto. Well, we do not have the money right now for a mattress pad. At least, we couldn't afford a good one that ranges in prices of 20-30 dollars. So, I ended up getting a twin size comforter that we have had forever and put in on the mattress and then used her flat sheet over the comforter. She doesn't really use covers and that flat sheet was becoming a pain in my toosh when I made the bed!! This was a cheap, quick fix. I was thinking of putting some kind of plastic underneath when potty training comes. I am sure the plastic would be cheaper and you couldn't hear it with that comforter over it! After I put all of that on, I covered it with the fitted sheet and it worked out great! Just an idea for you moms out there that are frugal!

I haven't really tried any new recipes lately. I know that since Lucy is on almond milk, instead of cow's milk, I have used sour cream in our mashed potatoes. We use sour cream more and usually have it on hand. However, I would not recommend using almond milk in your mashed potatoes. It doesn't taste terrible and some might like it, but I prefer the sour cream. It makes very tasty mashed taters! I will also say that lately, we have grilled a lot and have had some of the BEST burgers.  If you want a tasty burger you must mix the Kraft Fresh Takes with the meat! (Use the four cheese one for burgers) I also put a tiny bit of Allegro in it to make them moist and a little more flavorful when it comes to the grill. Not to mention, I usually don't eat meat for left overs because I can't stand the taste, but I ate a left over burger last night and it was still delicious!!

Anyways, thanks for letting me share with you! Hope everyone has a blessed day!!